The Best Pattern Magazines of 2010 – Nominations


I always look forward to Pattern Review’s Best Patterns of the year, but this year the nominations don’t have a single pattern magazine included. This is really disappointing as I do 99% of my sewing from them, and I feel the shortlist really doesn’t reflect my own personal sewing in the slightest. (And don’t even get me started about the inclusion of some patterns that were just Big 4’s stumbling, mediocre versions of great patterns previously printed in pattern mags!)

So I thought it might be fun to have our own nominations for the Best Pattern Magazines of 2010!

I think it’ll be easier to vote for whole issues rather than specific patterns inside, and also give people a better idea of which back issues to hunt for. If there’s enough nominations, I’ll set up a proper vote in a bit so we can see what’s crowned the winner when I do my own personal roundup of the year on New Year’s Day.

My nominations are:

What were your favourite issues of the year? Please leave your nominations (including duplicates of mine if you agree) in the comments!

(Thanks for your get well soon messages – after 9 full days of Swine Flu Hell, I’m back at work but not even close to being better. It is my own personal opinion that the flu vaccine did absolutely nothing, but I leave that more down to mutational variations than any “they gave me a bad dose” conspiracy theory. Christmas sewing is now irretrievably beyond hope, but at least I’ve the week between Christmas and New Year off work to catch up!)

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