Sorry for the radio silence over the past few weeks. I try to keep to a regular (and on-topic!) post schedule but having partially recovered from the awful flu I’d picked up in February, I then had three other separate, nasty viruses jump on board for the ride, meaning I’ve been sick for over 2 months now. 🙁
I keep hoping maybe I’ll be over it soon, but I don’t know when. I’m being closely monitored at hospital (where they expect me to wear a mask around all the immunosuppressed people, so my cycling pollution mask has come in handy) and trying to do a few hours of work here and there just because I’m bored out of my skull. When I am feeling better and brighter, I’ve got SO MUCH to share though, including all the non-book garments I sewed over the winter, plus more Sew Your Own Activewear reader makes (including some ladies who just ran marathons in their own sewn gear, too!), plus some news on that Secret Project I alluded to at the start of the year…
But I know people get worried when I’m silent for too long given my medical history, so I just wanted to pop in and alleviate any concerns – it’s nothing super serious, just incredibly unwelcome! (And my marathon training had been going so well, too!!)