Patrones 309 & 9


Happily, I got a chance to catch up on my magazine scanning over the holidays (expect to see a boat-load of Manequims and a rather boring KnipMode as well), so I can finally show you some highlights from the two Patrones issues my inlaws very kindly picked up for me while they were holidaying in Spain at the end of last year.

First up is a new(ish) issue, full of fall and winter fashions!

Patrones 309

I think this Cos coat is really interesting, though with it open on the model and a vague tech drawing, I’m not really sure how the finished coat would look. I mean, I like asymmetry, but does this mean one thigh would always be cold?

I love the cut of this motorcycle jacket and mixing the leather and tweed together like this, but omg did they have to use just a cheap and nasty pleather here? I can practically smell the petrochemicals from here, and the sleeves just make me want to cry! Still, how nice would this be in good leather?

There was a pretty funny feature in this issue with rainwear, though on closer inspection it was mostly trenchcoats (I’ve got too many patterns for already!) and capes/ponchos (bleck), but I rather liked this traditional, hooded raincoat.

And finally, there were a lot of great pencil skirts in this issue, but my favourites were these two, which I could equally see myself wearing!

Patrones 9

This is one of the “greatest hits” issues which reprints patterns from earlier issues.

It’s difficult to see in the photo since they used black fabric, but the tech drawing here shows this little sheath dress has some amazing angular seaming in the front. I can see this would be so flattering, and can you imagine how lovely this would be if you did an ombre effect with slightly different shades of fabric for each piece? (Shame the “coffin back” is so boring, though, but that could be easily fixed by extending those seam lines around…)

File under: Things I’ll never sew, nor wear, but just like to admire.

Whereas this is something I have made, holy crap! Look, they’ve reprinted the Toypes top I made in purple silk back in 2008! (back then Patrones could name the designers…)

Now this is probably my favourite design of both issues – I just adore the draped insert panel here, plus the weird pleating. I’ve shown the pattern pieces here as well because I found them really interesting, and not at all obvious from the tech drawing or photo.

And finally, just for a laugh, I had to include one photo from this awful, stereotypical 90s Versace-style photoshoot. That hair! That makeup! The excess! You can almost be forgiven for overlooking the rather classic coat pattern hiding under all that…

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