Sewing pending photoshoots


You wouldn’t know it from the lack of sewing photos, but I’ve actually been fairly productive over the past two weeks.

I was a terrible auntie this year and failed to make anything nice for my niece and nephew this Christmas, and my sister-in-law said I should just send them something when I get around to it, seeing as how they’re both so overwhelmed at Christmas anyhow. So before I got started on my March Mini Wardrobe stuff, I took an afternoon to make these, which are currently in transit:

I made a fluffy pink zebra minkee bolero for my 7 year old niece, and an adapted (ie: no hood) monsters and red jersey tee for my 8 year old nephew. You’ll see more about these when they try them on, with any luck…

And while I was clearing the sewing guilt decks, I finally also made the silver silk jersey dress I’d promised (and muslined) for James’s sister over a year ago!

But we haven’t been over to see her yet to deliver it, either, so I can’t really go into details on this yet, either (even though I wrote up the whole post when it was still fresh in my mind).

But most recently I’ve been cranking away at my second Jalie jeans, with my really nice Mood stretch denim & London street signs “reusable gift wrap” cotton for the innards.

(photo taken fresh this morning before work, so excuse the iPhone quality!)

I reckon I’ll be able to finish these tonight, as I’ve only got to topstitch the new and improved(!!) waistband, attach the tops of the belt loops, hem the bottoms, and then hammer in the rivets and metal button (I finally stumped up and ordered some high quality ones from Junior). After years of watching on eBay, I finally scored an old vintage buttonholer with four templates (these are plentiful on US ebay, but very thin on the ground in the UK), so I’m going to wait to do the buttonhole on these until that arrives. With any luck it’ll be before the weekend photoshoot anyway!

But I’m not letting the lack of photoshoots impede my progress on the mini wardrobe – as soon as I’ve got these jeans done, I’m moving on to the MyImage bolero, as I’m well aware that weekends are stretched thin this month PLUS I’ve got a visitor coming to stay PLUS I’ve got my birthday so I’ve got plenty to do!

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