First of all, thank you for all your kind Get Well Soon messages! I’m really hoping to feel better soon, but in the meantime I’ve been pushing on with doing a few things each day just to keep from staring at the walls all day long! If you follow me on social media you’ll have seen what the “Secret Project” I mentioned at the end of last year is all about, though there’s a full blog post brewing on that when I have the energy to do so.
In the meantime, I wanted to let you all know that I’ll be teaching a one day Activewear Masterclass at New Craft House here in London on 14 July!
There’s much more info on the class page, but the short version is that you’ll learn how to sew strong and stretchy seams on a regular sewing machine, adapt patterns to your specific sports, plus sew up a pair of leggings and a workout top, ALL IN ONE DAY! Plus you’ll receive a signed copy of my “Sew Your Own Activewear” book, too!
This is the first time I’ve taught an in-person class in a few years (mostly due to London geography and the constraints of my office job) so you really don’t want to miss this as places are limited!
Apologies to all the non-London-areas peeps, but I will have something for the rest of you in a few weeks!