S'Update (Spring Update)


I had the day off yesterday, but I did not sew a single stitch. Yes, I am feeling okay, but I was looking a bit green yesterday…

This week I’ve been mostly busying myself with gathering materials for future projects. I ordered some gorgeous charcoal grey, 100% wool coating fabric from Rosenberg’s (they’ve got lots more fabric than what’s listed on the site!) which will be made into a new, long overcoat for next winter (I doubt I’ll be ready in time for Marji’s coat sew along, sadly!):

In looking for suitable outdoor waterproof and fade-resistent fabrics for the boat, I came across a UK Thinsulate supplier so I will have the warmest underlined coat ever! I’m still undecided on the lining fabric, but I know I’m really rough on my RTW coat linings, so I think silk will be too fragile and snag-prone. Anyone have any suggestions for hard-wearing, slippery lining fabrics? I’m trying to stay on the side of natural fibers these days, but I think the use of Thinsulate throws that out the window anyway!

Oh and remember that secret project I was working on a few weeks ago? Well, I’m very happy to report that my work was on a few submissions for an upcoming book, and one was accepted! I’m going to be published!! So I think I’m going to save the other two projects and post them here as tutorials around the book’s release next Spring, but I don’t want to give too many details until everything’s signed, sealed, and delivered. No need to jinx it all, you see… So if I’m quiet for the next few weeks, you can bet I’m putting all my sewing energy into meeting that deadline, with occasional forays into James’s yellow linen shirt, which is proving to be quite a good project to sew ten minutes at a time (ten minutes isn’t enough to become frustrated!).

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