Vintage wedding gown photos


So you’ve already seen a bunch of detailed photos of my Granny’s gown (from 1949) laid out flat, but I wanted some on a real person so you could really see the style lines and how it falls. And this way I can get some nice Before and After shots when I refashion it into my gown for September.

Big big big HUGE thanks to my neighbour Kate who not only fit into this tiny dress (respect!) but actually humoured me and let me take photos of her in it to post to the internet (Secretly, I think she had fun!). Kate’s also engaged and I was thrilled to learn that she’s not having wedding colours, either!

So let the vintage dress photos commence!

Apologies for all the wrinkles – it’s been in storage for 60+ years, and I don’t want to abuse the poor silk any more than I have to, so I will be pressing the pieces individually as I take it apart (very carefully!).

And then she started to have fun fun with it!

And here’s the scene – I just took her up on our deck for these photos, but I didn’t want to get the train dirty, so hence why she’s standing in a white bedsheet! At least it makes a good contrast to get an idea of the gown’s aged silk colour.

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