Pillowcase Challenge giveaway!

Cast your mind back to May last year, when I posted about sending off some submitted projects for a book about reusing old pillowcases… You there yet? Great!

Because Craft Challenge: Dozens of Ways to Repurpose a Pillowcase has now been published! Or rather, it was a month or so ago, I’m a tad late…

I’ve got my copy here, which is full of really basic, easy sewing projects that are perfect for beginning sewers. The other cool things is that you don’t really have to use pillowcases for your starting points here – you could just as easily make things like the hat, stuffed toys, kimono (pictured above), remote control armchair caddy, cape, etc, from equivalent lengths of scrap fabric or fun quilting cottons. I sourced all my vintage pillowcases off eBay to make my samples for the book, too, so you don’t have to feel bad about cutting up your family heirlooms if you don’t want to, either.

So without further ado, here’s my winning submission, the “Flirty pyjama set”, featuring a camisole and French knickers made from one pair of pillowcases!

(Photo of the Flirty Pyjamas compliments of Lark Books!)

Cast your mind back to May last year, when I posted about sending off some submitted projects for a book about reusing old pillowcases… You there yet? Great!

Because Craft Challenge: Dozens of Ways to Repurpose a Pillowcase has now been published! Or rather, it was a month or so ago, I’m a tad late…

I’ve got my copy here, which is full of really basic, easy sewing projects that are perfect for beginning sewers. The other cool things is that you don’t really have to use pillowcases for your starting points here – you could just as easily make things like the hat, stuffed toys, kimono (pictured above), remote control armchair caddy, cape, etc, from equivalent lengths of scrap fabric or fun quilting cottons. I sourced all my vintage pillowcases off eBay to make my samples for the book, too, so you don’t have to feel bad about cutting up your family heirlooms if you don’t want to, either.

So without further ado, here’s my winning submission, the “Flirty pyjama set”, featuring a camisole and French knickers made from one pair of pillowcases!

(Photo of the Flirty Pyjamas compliments of Lark Books!)

Now, if you own this book, you may be scratching your head right now and thinking your memory is failing you… Because my “Flirty pyjama set” is not actually in the book.

Unfortunately, after all the hard work that went into creating the instructions and the two sample sets, these had to be cut from the final printing due to space constraints, and the materials weren’t in any state to give away as a pdf for all of you, either (sorry, I tried!).

But – my contributor credit seems to have remained at the back of the book! (and I still got paid)

So I guess this still counts as being published, right?

In any case, I’ve actually got two extra copies of “Pillowcase Challenge” to give away, and to sweeten the deal, I’ll also throw in my two sample Flirty Pyjama sets and even gasp sign the book for the two winners!

I think it’d be nice to restrict this to those of you who count yourself as beginners, since it’s great for easy, straightforward projects, and my other competitions are usually for more advanced sewers. But I’m happy to post anywhere in the world, so don’t let that stop you!

So if you’d like to win a signed copy of “Pillowcase Challenge” along with a flirty pyjama set, please leave a comment below describing the current pillowcase that’s on your bed, right now.

I’ll extract out the entries (so others can feel free to comment, too) and pick two winners at random next weekend (May 9-10).

And if you don’t win, then you can still buy it on Amazon US for $14 and see my credit for yourself ha!

Update: The competition is now closed. Congratulations to Bridget and Karen!

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