Our DIY Wedding – first friends' photos


It’s going to take us quite some time to filter through the 300-odd AMAZING wedding professional photos that we just got through, but in the meantime, here’s some of my favourite shots of the wedding from those that our friends took.

It should give you a great idea of what the dress looks like, and how it held up throughout the day and dancing, anyway!

Signing the official registry:

My bridesmaids and Man of Honour (remember I made their silk jersey dresses?)

Getting ready to leave the hotel room in the morning – you can see the full length of the dress really well here:

My mom and I in the morning hotel room:

Leaving the ceremony room (sorry about the blurriness, but this was the best shot of the full length of the train!)

Good view of the finished bodice as the guys hang on my every word!

During our first dance (omg there’s video evidence!), so you can see my shoes!

With my brother, after several hours’ hard dancing:

Making shapes on the dancefloor with my bridesmaid Gez:

That’s all for now, but I’ve got hundreds of freaking amazing photos to sift through so there’ll be plenty more later. My face hurts from smiling so much just looking through them all. Oh, and there’s hen party photos (with a fashiony twist!) to be shown, too.

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