I had the pleasure recently to be invited as a guest on the That Sewing Blab show! Well, technically Dawn asked me if I could be a guest on one of their live shows a few years ago, but with the time zones it would’ve been a really late night for me in the UK. I often get asked how I have the energy to do everything I do, and the answer is that I get a LOT of sleep – I’m nodding off at like 10:30 every night, so I knew I would be a horrible guest if it was past midnight!
So I’m very fortunate that they decided to do a few pre-recorded shows so we could pick a time when my brain would still be awake! And I’m so glad we were finally able to make it work, because I had so much fun! We talked about everything from how I got into sewing activewear, to living on a boat, running a pattern business, and my journey from death’s door to world record breaking transplant athlete, too.
So if you’d love to find out more about me, have a listen/watch over on their YouTube channel here. We had such a great time chatting and I think that enthusiasm really comes across, so it’s perfect if you need a bit of mojo!