I’ve been away the past two weekends (in Iceland and at the Sewing Weekender, respectively) so I’ve not had much of a chance before now to sit down and really sink my teeth into the latest Burda edition. I know much of the USA is in a heat wave at the moment but in England it’s cooled off considerably so an issue full of Fall fashions is very welcome!
First up is this gorgeous shirtdress. Let’s face it, everybody and their sister has released a shirtdress pattern, but Burda are showing there are still interesting touches to be had on what is a definitive classic garment (I mean, really, what’s the point of releasing a pattern exactly like everyone else’s??).
I’m not into the printed fabric they’ve chosen here (it looks way too much like pyjamas to my eyes!), but I really like the relaxed style, long sleeves, and that narrow collar. I tend to just wear jersey long sleeved tops during colder weather, but I could be persuaded to buy some nice wovens for this!
This boxy, dropped-shoulder sweatshirt is rated “Super Easy” and it’s made even easier by having some illustrated instructions, too. The real interest here is in the pleats at the inner elbow, and you’d definitely want to use a fabric with a bit of structure to make those give the sleeve a bit of shaping.
The dress from the cover is sized for Petites and, other than being a pretty versatile day dress, the standout feature here for me are those severe raglan shoulder seams, which really elevate the design. I think this would look amazing colourblocked, or even in a solid or less-busy print so the shoulders could really stand out.
This long parka would take a bit of time to get all the details right (especially all that topstitching at the hem!) but I think the trickiest part of all would be finding appropriate fabric “with attractive wrong side”, as Burda stipulates. Or you could always go ahead and line it, if you’re so inclined.
This long sleeved, fitted sheath dress is beautifully designed and sewn! The standing slit collar (I’m actually not certain of the name of this style?) reminded me of the one on the vintage wiggle dress I’d made back in 2012 (and still wear frequently!) but I hadn’t realised the back view was such a stunner, too, until I scrutinised the instruction section of the magazine! Those upper back seams!! 😍
This long sleeved, jersey crossover top just looks so comfortable and so wearable I might just have to sew this up! I could easily see it pairing with skirts or jeans for work, and it even looks like that neckline isn’t too low, either (always a danger with surplice tops…).
Along the lines of my shirtdress comments above – yes, this is just a midi pencil skirt, but at least they added something different in the form of the slanted belt loop.
I feel like peplums may have had their day but the tie collar on this has won me over regardless. It’s also got full-colour, illustrated instructions this issue. In the past Burda have been illustrating instructions for two patterns each issue – one in black and white at the end of the instructions section and the other in colour in the magazine itself, but this month both are in colour and glossy.
The Plus designs are “French chic” this month and IMHO are really nice! This short pea coat is a classic and I really like that they’ve gone against type and made it in a bright red. This is something you’d get so much wear out of!
A Plus dress with long sleeves! I hear your shouts of hallelujah already! What’s more, that skirt is cut on the bias, too, and the princess seam & dart combo would make this a breeze to fit adjust, too.
This oversized, dropped shoulder tee would be a super quick make, and those little shoulder pleats elevate it beyond the basic tee, in my eyes.
And finally, these tapered trousers are super on trend and the mid-leg seams would make fitting a breeze, too.
I didn’t mention a few things in this issue – I found the girls patterns to be far too prissy to be worth scanning (or was it just that the model was scowling in every photo?), and it being September, the included designer pattern was for a dirndl. This actually made me quite pleased because I feel like I’ve been banging on about the ridiculously huge amount of dirndl patterns taking up space from more wearable patterns every September, and so perhaps they’ve heard our complaints? In any case, I’ve got no problem with them including just one!