La Maison Victor magazine Sept/Oct 2016


The Belgian pattern magazine La Maison Victor is usually something I hunt down while we’re in France (the Eurotunnel Calais newsagent being an reliable stockist!). But LMV expanded last year into translating in German (on top of Dutch/Flemish and French), meaning it’s available in Germany now, too.

It wasn’t quite as easy to find as the many flavours of Burda, or even Ottobre, but the major train stations in Berlin seemed to stock it, and it was the only pattern magazine I purchased during our trip. Boxing up all of my pattern magazines when I moved into my new sewing room showed me how many I have already, so I’m a bit more judicious in buying them these days – there’s got to be at least one “Must Make!” in an issue for me to buy it.

Luckily, I know La Maison Victor always has a good range of patterns, excellent illustrated instructions (you really don’t need to speak the language, honest!), and beautiful presentation, and I wasn’t disappointed.

First up is one of the two jacket patterns for kids and tweens, a sport-casual one in textured scuba (which they also sell) with a generous three pockets. This one’s modelled on a boy, but both jackets are pretty unisex in this issue.


I always like that LMV include at one men’s pattern, and there have been some fantastic ones in the past, but the lumberjacket flannel look isn’t really one that really resonates in London, I’ll be honest!


There are five different knitting patterns in this issue, which I largely skimmed past since I don’t knit, but I just squealed at this fox scarf!! How cute is this?! Anyone want to make it for me??


Boxy, quilted jackets must be a thing this Fall, as Grainline released one last year, and now this. I must say, I like them on other women, but I’m not sure they’re really my thing… And it’s not like I need any more transitional coats anyway after my Harriet lumberjacket this Spring.


For me, this next dress is The One. It’s made from jersey, it’s got wonderful radiating darts from the waist seam, and those extra-long ties add some great visual interest while allowing some room to adjust the fit as you wear. And before I could even get this review up, FehrTrade reader Sandesh has gone and made one already (it’s freaking gorgeous!)!


And finally, in the second kidswear section there’s another unisex raglan sweatshirt (again made in that lush textured scuba) as well as a girly dress. So if you’ve got boys or tomboys to sew for, you get quite a few patterns in this issue.


If you’re interested in the size range or what the pattern sheets look like, have a read through my first review of this magazine


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  1. 3

    Thanks for the review. Here in the States it is very difficult, of not impossible, to get our hands on some of these magazines. But I was wondering, have you checked out Knipmode lately? The Curvy Sewing Collective is reviewing them on their blog posts and so far the impression is favorable. Also, its been awhile since you reviewed Manequim. Do you still subscribe?

    • 4

      Hi Susan. The only KnipMode I’ve seen recently was in Berlin, but it was summer styles so I didn’t pay that much attention. I stopped my subscription a few years ago after they switched editors and IMHO the designs went downhill, but they’ve since moved to a different publisher so I don’t know if that’s still the case. The subscription was also nearly twice what I was paying for Burda or Manequim, so for me, it had to be REALLY good to justify it. Regarding Manequim, they, err, just stopped sending them. 🙁 I never got a renewal request, nor any notice. Their international team are flaky with delivery anyway, and it’s all over email, so I took it as an omen to sew through the issues I already have.

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