A functional KitchenAid mixer cover


Back in March, I joined the ranks of the middle class aspirational home cooks when James bought me a KitchenAid mixer for my birthday. I asked for (and received!) yes, a white one, because, while I like the red ones, they’re totally not worth £100 more just for the colour! Anyway, we were finally able to rearrange our tiny galley space to accommodate it so I finally broke it out of the box to make macarons last weekend.

The macarons were a resounding success (I also discovered the sole thing on earth that’s tastier than macarons – macaron batter!), but the only storage space for the mixer is out in the open, so I needed to sew a cover for it, lest I have to wash the dust off it every time I want to use it!

I was feeling supremely lazy, so rather than measure it myself, I just used the
tutorial and pattern here to sew up a really quick cover.

I made a few changes from the above site, though, the main being that mine is not quilted (it’s not like the mixer needs to stay warm!), and mine has a seam at the top since my print is directional and I didn’t want upside-down people on one side.

I made this using a quilting cotton called “Chopsticks, please” by Robert Kauffman, and it had been in my stash for at least 5 years now so it’s good to at least use some of it. I foresee the rest making an appearance in trouser pocket and waistband linings in the coming months (and seeing “She really likes squid!” in my waistband really will make my day every time.).

In all, this cover took about 10 minutes to make, and most of that was measuring. I reckon I’ll make that time back the first two times I don’t have to wash the mixer before use!

Sorry, breadmachine – your inner workings are already dust-free so you don’t get a cover!

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