Burda magazine – October 2017


Wow, what a whirlwind few weekends I’ve had recently! I’ve barely cleaned up from the Great British Sewing Bee Live show and suddenly I found myself jetting off to northern Portgual to run up and down some mountains in the unseasonable heat! I’ve written up a full race review on my running site, but it may interest some of you to know I wore the cycling shorts pattern from my book for the race, too (minus the padding and silicone elastic hems, of course!).

It might also interest those of you in the southern hemisphere to know that there’s a new activewear fabric store in Australia – Sew Active Fabrics – and they’ve got a bunch of wicking prints, too. I’ve got a few of their fabrics to road-test over the next few weeks, but you can save 10% with code LAUNCH10 til the end of November if you want a sneak peek for your spring and summer activewear makes.

But enough about me – let’s look inside the latest issue of Burda magazine and see what delights await us!

Let’s see, on the list of attributes to get Melissa’s attention:

✔️ asymmetric
✔️ interesting seamlines
✔️ stretch

…yeah, so of course I’m into this dress! That it’s practical for cool weather is just a bonus.

I’m not entirely sold on the buckle, but I love the interesting armscye shape on this alternative-to-a-long-sleeved-tee. Whether you choose to use the buckle or just tie that belt instead, it’d provide some great waist shaping and be flattering for someone who’s weight is fluctuating, too.

I’m not sure about styling this as a jumper, but this (imitation) suede dress’s shaping and seaming is certainly flattering.

The only trousers in this issue also come as shorts. I’m not into the fabric or length of the trousers here but I love the seaming around the pockets and that there’s hidden shaping in those seams, too.

A pleated, yoked skirt gets the colour illustration instructions this month, and it looks to be a pretty wearable basic to have in your arsenal for only 1.5m of fabric.

Ah, the return of the designer pattern! As is typical with Burda’s designers, I’ve never heard of Mykke Hofmann, but this coat is both bonkers and fabulous. I’m loving the colour choices and patchwork feel, even if white is the most impractical colour for a winter coat!

I pulled out this skirt because I’m confused by the pleats in this sample, which seem to lie really badly over the model’s hip in a way that the tech drawing nor other samples don’t. The ruffles-for-ruffles-sake is just unforgivable, though.

Ooh, a parka in Plus-sizes! Look at all those details, and omg – is that a split zipper hood!?!

Also in the Plus section is this shaped knit dress with long sleeves and layered crossover giving some great interest at the waist.

These Plus-sized trousers are meant to be athleisure, but they’re one of the few designs in this feature that look like they actually could work for exercising in, too.

This tunic also comes in dress-length, and while this version has piped shoulder seams, you could also colourblock this for a nice effect. But what mostly drew me to this design are those angled pockets!!

And finally, in the baby feature this sleep-sack looked to be a unique offering from Burda and one that you could easily make by refashioning an old puffa jacket, fleece and a few zippers!

What did you all think of this issue, though? At first glance I was a bit lukewarm, but then when I looked at it a few more times I kept finding designs I liked more and more. Maybe it’s a slow-grower?


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  1. 3

    The zip tunic and the parka are particularly attractive to me in this issue. (Always looking for easy, comfortable garments).

    I have to say that I have some concerns about the baby sleep sack. Similar manufactured items have been banned for sale because of the risk of suffocation. The pillows around the side of the head are particularly concerning for that reason.

  2. 5
    Nancy K

    Most of these are on my list too. I like the coat, but obviously not the white. I also would have to figure out how to add an fba to this though. So, probably if I make it I’d lay it over my coat pattern. But, I have another coat planned first, so probably not. I do like the top with the buckle, though like you, not the buckle. I may play with it. I also like the gray knit top and the athleisure pants. What a weird world we live in. Athleisure?

  3. 6

    Always enjoy reading your posts, so thank you. On the subject of fabric shops I recently came across this one in the UK and I’m interested to know if you’ve heard of them or if you’ve used any of their fabrics – they have various soft shells, coolmax, fleece and breathable stuff. It’s just I haven’t heard of them before. https://www.activefabrics.co.uk/ (Just finished a supplex surf to summit top with the zip – great pattern and so looking forward to the book!) Thanks.

  4. 7

    I just want to say I love the graphic design of your work. I’m so glad you kept the color and fonts through various updates-they’re unique and pleasing, and are the result of a lot of work I’m sure. (Looking forward to the book!)

  5. 8

    My fave from this issue was the safari style jacket. I also love the designer coat but I doubt I’ll have the time or energy to make anything like that any time soon! Another good issue overall for me. I’m really liking Burda again.

  6. 9

    Whoops, I’m a bit behind on my blog reading! Thanks for the mention Melissa! I love your Burda mag reviews BTW. This issue has some rather nice things!

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