A babygrow for an ultra-fast baby


I’ve known my friend Vicky through Run dem Crew for years now, and have run many, many miles alongside her on our Tuesday night sessions. She’s a good friend, and outside of the Crew has run multiple marathons and ultras, too. Last summer, she ran the Serpent Trail ultra with another good friend, and she ended up finishing on the podium as 3rd place lady!!

But even more incredible is that she found out later that she was actually pregnant when she ran it! So when she announced she was going to have a little pre-baby pizza & beer get together with our running friends, I knew I had to make her a babygrow. First I thought I’d upcycle a Run dem Crew shirt for the little speedy baby, but then I saw another friend mention on Twitter how happy he was to see the Serpent being run again this year and I got in touch to a) find out if the race even had teeshirts, b) if he had one, and c) if he could send it to me to refashion. It was Yesses all around so I got cutting!

As it turned out, I had Burda 09/13 #145 already traced out in size 74 since I’d made it once before for a coworker at a previous job – the pieces were still in my pattern pile but the magazine is in storage so I just winged it without instructions!

I didn’t fancy faffing with my coverstitch binder attachment (ugh) so I folded the binding in half, right sides out, serged it on, and then folded it up and triple-zigzagged it flat. The dark grey binding was all made from bamboo jersey scraps in my stash so it was free and nicely soft, too.

I love these Prym plastic snaps SO MUCH! They’re so much less hassle than the standard kind and I swear they’re perfect every single time. I have a huge amount of colours and this dark grey was a pretty perfect match for the bamboo binding. Result! (Yes, I do line up all my snap pieces in rows like that so I have the right types all ready to go! ha!)

I chose to have the main motif on the front of the babygrow even though it was on the back of the race tee, because who ever looks at the back of a baby?? And this ended up being short sleeved just because there wasn’t enough fabric in the Medium race tee I managed to get ahold of to make the long sleeves in the pattern. But a March baby probably won’t be needing long sleeves until they’re quite big anyhow I imagine!

I got to give it to her at her “This isn’t a baby shower!” pizza and beer gathering on Saturday and she was delighted and surprised in equal measure!

I saw her showing it to lots of people and since her own finisher’s shirt is still intact, she said she’s planning on getting a photo of her and baby wearing their finisher’s tees! How cute will that be?!?


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  1. 1

    Love this! This little garment is just perfect- the design is so nicely centered on the front. Plus it’s a more sophisticated color than your average baby outfit.

  2. 2
    Anita Steiner

    Love this. I’m just making a sort of jumpsuit for a April Baby for a girl in my language class. Mine is made from a rest of very soft silvery velvety jersey with blue accents. Best regards from Basel Anita

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