I’ve been doing a lot of sewing recently, but haven’t been very good at either documenting all my post-Triumph Suit makes or taking photos of them, so I’m going to start with some of the first!
Ever since I made my first pair of Pietra Shorts using the ramie from Textile Express, I knew I’d need more, specifically in black. So when their black ramie came back into stock, I pounced on it, buying enough to make Pietra trousers and shorts. This stuff is so great for bottoms – it’s similar to linen but wears a thousand times harder, doesn’t crease, and just goes with everything. So making this pair of shorts out of the remaining black ramie was very high on my “need this in my wardrobe right now!” list as soon as I could. But then our summer turned into 5+ weeks of cold and rain so it hasn’t been a big deal they’ve been stuck languishing on my To Photoshoot pile…
There’s not much I can say about the Pietra pattern that I haven’t already said – I must’ve made them at least ten times now, and that should be recommendation enough!
I’ve been playing again with my Silhouette cutting machine, inspired by my continuing obsession with the “Interview with the Vampire” tv show and the new season 2 artwork that’s been trickling out of filming and early promos. I had a friend I met through the show come and visit a few weeks ago and we had such a blast making all sorts of heat set vinyl motifs and weeding and chatting together.
I first made myself a Versatili-Tee (proving itself to be my new TNT teeshirt pattern!) using this moss green jersey from Lamazi Fabrics. I cannot say enough about this fabric either – it’s so soft and bouncy and basically feels exactly like “vintage teeshirt” and I will definitely be getting more in other colours!
Then I ironed on some IWTV motifs I cut from black flocked heat set vinyl from Happy Fabric, which made the shirt even more tactile. Like, I just can’t stop petting it, it’s so fuzzy!
I added the same striped, hand-drawn coffin to the front that I used in my tribute cast shirt last year, and the new “La Memoire est un Monstre” (Memory is a Monster) text that’s been used in the new season 2 promo posters onto the back.
I couldn’t help adding a little “Of course!” heart to the sleeve, too! You know what they say about wearing your heart on your sleeve, after all…
These are both real workhorses in my wardrobe, and there’s more where these came from, too, before I’m done with my “summer” sewing!