“ANOTHER lingerie set??” I hear you exclaim!! Well, when you’re onto a good thing, why not make more??
Yes, it’s another set featuring the Sophie Hines Axis Tank view A (like the polka dot set) and the runderwear brief included in our Threshold Shorts pattern (like the polka dot and black mesh sets and my recent period panties)
This time, instead of reaching into my lingerie sewing stash for fabric, I actually tested out a new Fashion Formula base fabric (“Beta Lily” 95% Co 5% El – 135 cm wide) on which I chose this large-scale watercolour print. In the interests of transparency, I paid the at-cost price for this, like all the other testers, in exchange for my feedback to Fashion Formula.
Once again, my lingerie stash provided the PERFECT matching picot elastic for the panties! I mean, look at it!
After sewing so many of both of these, they just sewed themselves and they were done in an afternoon!
On this tank I shortened the bands by about an inch or two so that they would stay in place better without topstitching, and I think I’d definitely do this again as I prefer the look.
For something different, I used the unprinted, white edge of the fabric for the armhole bands, and the printed area for the neckband and hem band.
I’ve still got a good amount of the meter of fabric left so I may end up sewing another panty or two from this yet, too!