By my count, this is the 5th(!) Sophie Hines Axis Tank + Threshold Shorts runderwear lingerie set I’ve made in the past year. When I find a combo as comfortable and wearable as this, I go all in.
The fabric is not actually leftovers from the Thankful tee I made last year, as you might expect, but actually a 0.5m remnant I bought from Lamazi Fabrics recently for a fiver (bargain!) that is an exact colour match to my previous tee, despite buying the cotton jersey from different shops over different years. I’m not sure why this delighted me so much, but it does!
With all our renovations nearing completion on the “big side” of the boat, I didn’t have any surface to cut fabric for a few months, so I ended up cutting this out on the tiny, removable table we have in the back cabin. The table is only 60cm square, but finding the Lagun bracket was a total game changer in our quality of life, as it meant we can easily set it up to eat dinner on each night and take it down again after. And because it’s height adjustable and rotatable, I could put it up fairly high to save my back while cutting this out. And Nishi could watch me!
I found some olive green picot edge lingerie elastic in my stash which I used on the underwear (I think I might’ve bought it at Kantje Boord at some point). It’s not a perfect match, but it’s only the thin, picot edge that shows on the right side when it’s done, so this was certainly close enough for me.
I haven’t got much to say about the construction of these anymore – not much has changed since my first set except that I’ve shortened the tank bands a bit to try and keep them from flipping out without the topstitching (to a moderate degree of success). For something worn under other layers, it doesn’t really matter much to me…
I’ve mixed up the sets in the past, making some as tank with briefs, and others as tank with thong, but even in the pandemic when I’ve hardly worn my underwire bras anymore, I still find thongs more comfortable for daily wear and I find I’ve been wearing the thong sets much more. So I opted to use the thong runderwear from our Threshold Shorts pattern for this pair so I can wear them more often!
I even had some matching thread leftover from when I sewed my tee last year, so when you consider that I already owned the fabrics and the elastic, to get a matching lingerie set for £5 is pretty good value!
One thing I wanted to add is that Sophie Hines is a one-woman business and she’s recently had some really tough times – so if you are even remotely tempted by my posts to buy her Axis Tank pattern (or any of her others!) or her period panty kits (which I used to make mine last year, but are on hold due to the above situation) as well as help out a fellow human being, now would be an excellent time to add them to your lingerie arsenal.